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Location-Based Scheduling

  • 4 April 2024
  • 7 replies

Dear Calendly Team,I hope this message finds you well. I've been using Calendly for scheduling appointments, and I find it incredibly efficient. However, I have a feature request that I believe would greatly enhance the platform's functionality.I often schedule appointments with clients who are located in different areas, and it would be incredibly helpful if Calendly could incorporate a location-based scheduling feature. Specifically, I envision a function where before offering available time slots, the client would be prompted to enter their address. Based on this address, Calendly would then offer available time slots tailored to their location.For example, depending on the client's city or zip code, Calendly could suggest different days or times for appointments. This would streamline the scheduling process and ensure that appointments are conveniently scheduled for both parties.I believe this feature would greatly benefit Calendly users who work with clients in various locations, and I would appreciate it if you could consider implementing it in a future update, or if its already possible and someone could tell how can I do it.Thank you for your attention to this request. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter. Best regards from Santiago de Chile. Maximiliano Rosselot

Hey there @RepisasDonMaxi - thank you so much for this very thorough breakdown of your use case and feature request. Genuinely - I LOVE to see posts like this. 

Firstly, I will absolutely include your feedback in the monthly report we pass along to product. I cannot make promises about when or if new features might be implemented but the team absolutely takes user feedback like this into consideration when building out those roadmaps. Your voice will be heard - guarantee that! 🤗

Secondly, I do have a workaround for you that will help you reach this goal right now - woo hoo! Exciting! 

Alright. Here’s what you need to know - starting with routing! 

Routing forms let you request information such as industry, company size, specific interests, etc. from website visitors and automatically direct them to a specific scheduling or web page based on their responses. It's great for screening and qualifying sales leads on a website or matching clients or students to the booking page of the right subject-matter expert based on their interests, program, or other criteria. You can read more about setting up routing forms, here!

For your use case and goal, here’s what you’d do with routing forms as the glue holding it all together: 

  1. Create an event type for each location (city, zip or time zone - whichever works for your use case best) you want to offer invitees as selections when booking
  2. Create these as “one-on-one” event types on a Team Page (true one-on-one ETs cannot be made on team pages, but, I am including a link with an easy workaround) so that they can all be booked in an overlapping manner (read more on that here, here and here) and make sure each event type has a different host assigned to it (if you don’t do this, it’s okay - just keep in mind that if two events share a host those events cannot be booked at the same time)
  3. If you’d like, you can make the events secret so that the only way to book them is via the routing form (more on that here
  4. Then, create your routing form!
  5. On the routing form, ask a question such as, “Which location will you be booking?” with radio buttons/a dropdown with options or whatever else you prefer for answers that list off each location option you created an event type for
  6. Then, use routing logic to send each invitee to the appropriate event type for booking based on their answer! (More on that here)
  7. Finally - share your routing form (expand content below for steps)
  1. Select Save and Share.
  2. Choose how to share your form:

Routing Form Example.png

THIS will create that seamless booking experience you want for your invitees. You can share the link to your routing form the same way you’d share the link to an event type, or, embed your routing form on your website! 

💡Note: You will need to be on our Teams Plan in order to implement this. You can read more about our plans, pricing and features on our Pricing Page! Note: an annual subscription will result in a 20% discount for all paid plans!

Our Teams plan is:

  • $16/user/month (billed annually)
  • $20/user/month (billed monthly)

For the admin that wants more, including Salesforce and Round Robin.
Teams features include Standard features, plus

  • Connect to Salesforce to flow meeting data into the CRM
  • Round Robin events
  • Route leads with Hubspot, Marketo, or Pardot forms
  • Lock and sync admin-managed event templates

Additional routing forms resources: 

I hope this helps!

Related question: is there a way to use Routing to choose the location, then use a Round Robin event (with a unique event for each location) to set priority for which employee gets booked?

Related question: is there a way to use Routing to choose the location, then use a Round Robin event (with a unique event for each location) to set priority for which employee gets booked?

Hey Mike!

If you assign more than one host to a Round Robin Event Type there is no way to guarantee which host will be booked each time. 

So, what you’d want to do instead of creating a Round Robin for each location is create a Round Robin for each individual host. 

Then, you can use the routing forms like this: 

  1. Have a question on the form that asks which location the invitee would like to book
  2. Set up the routing logic to direct the invitee to book the Round Robin event type for the appropriate host (even if there is more than one host for each location)

I hope this helps!

I don’t need to guarantee which host  they get - just the location fixed, then any available hosts at that time slot. 

I don’t need to guarantee which host  they get - just the location fixed, then any available hosts at that time slot. 

Oh, great! Sorry for the misunderstanding!

In this case, it’s even simpler!

  1. Set up a question for your form that asks invitees what location they’d like to book for
  2. Set up routing logic that directs invitees to event types based on location

All you’ll need to do is create an event type for each individual location, as you’d mentioned above. You can assign as many hosts as you’d like to each event type and they will be booked in round robin fashion based on your event type settings.

Learn more here: 

I hope this helps!


I sometimes have appointments at different locations in the same city - at home, coffee shop, etc. It would be great if Calendly were aware of the locations and travel times and be able to schedule appropriately. Also, it might offer a max travel time and transportation mode to constrain what slots are available.

I sometimes have appointments at different locations in the same city - at home, coffee shop, etc. It would be great if Calendly were aware of the locations and travel times and be able to schedule appropriately. Also, it might offer a max travel time and transportation mode to constrain what slots are available.

Thanks for this feedback! I can totally understand where you are coming from, and the use case is helpful! We appreciate it truly and will make sure it’s looped around to our product team for future consideration. I hope that you have a great day! =)