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Hello, is it possible for me to set up Calendly so that appointments can only be booked with a lead time of 2 days?


So, if I open the link as a customer today, I can only book the earliest possible appointment in 2 days' time

Where and how can I set this up?

Hi ​@Chris Schmid!

Yes, you can. We have a feature built in called minimum notice. It allows a host to prevent last minute meetings by forcing a block of time between current time and when the schedule is open. The only caveat is that you can set it in full days, hours, and minutes which can prove problematic if you are considering Monday and Tuesday appointments booked over the weekend. Some users have found it helpful to create 2 events - one for early week and another for late week - or not accept Monday appointments at all. We’ve asked our Product team to consider adding in business days as a selection.

More on it here: