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I’m looking to establish a recurring meeting (weekly) with a random person from my internal team. So each week, I’m (the host) meeting with someone different. Seems simple enough, but I’m struggling to figure it out or find a similar question in the community. Is there any way to set this up?

Hi @Korey,

Hmmm. I can’t think of any specific out of the box way to do this as our event types usually rely on a bit more determined variables. But if the goal is to effectively take out the “I’m going to choose who I’m meeting with each week” element, I think the absolute simplest method would be to use a random number generator each week and send the corresponding ‘winner’ a link to your event type. You could likely even automate this with Zapier and eliminate the potential for duplicates within a specific time period.

Can you tell me more about what you’re looking to do and the outcome? I’ll ask around internally and see if there are any ideas!

Thanks for the reply @jillian!

Love that idea, I’ll have to further explore a setup with Zapier.

My goal is to have “interviews” with my coworkers on a weekly basis, such that I can better understand their needs and deliver materials accordingly. These meetings will happen indefinitely, and I should only repeat an interview after I’ve gone through everyone. I would love to have this process automated in some capacity so I don’t have to keep track of who I’ve done one with already, find time on calendars every week, etc. I’m not super experienced with Calendly so I’m just not sure what kind of options I have with it!

A similar tool we use here is called “Donut”, which is a Slack app that pokes you on a weekly basis with someone new and finds time between the two of you to meet.

But so far, I do like your idea with Zapier. I can see myself going that route.

Ah yes. Donut. I used that at my past role too! And I love your use case.

Zapier has a ton of community articles on setting up a ‘round robin’ (like this one!) so I’d definitely suggest starting with a search over there. And don’t be shy about asking a question there too. They’re a helpful bunch.