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make booking calendar start on monday instead of sunday

  • 15 November 2023
  • 3 replies

As the title said, how can I change the calendar to start on Monday instead of Sunday?

and can I remove the time zone of he embeded booking calendar? 

Hey @EnriqueBorja - great questions! 

Based on the invitee's location (determined via their IP address) the calendar can display with either Sunday or Monday as the first (left most) day of the week. This is done automatically and can not be manually adjusted.

IP addresses determined to be located in the countries on this list will have the calendar displayed as Sunday-first. All other counties not included on this list will display as Monday-first.

Sunday-first Country List:

  • US
  • Canada
  • Latin American countries
  • China
  • Japan
  • Israel
  • Jamaica
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Hong Kong
  • Macau
  • Egypt
  • South Africa
  • Philippines

I know this isn’t exactly what you hoped to hear and I’m sorry for any inconvenience, but hope the knowledge is helpful at least!

Regarding “removing the time zone from the embedded booking page” -  the time zone dropdown cannot be removed. This allows invitees to select the appropriate time zone if the one automatically detected isn’t the one they need to book in. If you’d like to force your own time zone (the one chosen in your event type settings) onto an event you’ll need to lock the time zone. We suggest this for in person events only. To learn how to lock a time zone read more below:

If you’re holding in-person meetings, you may want to lock an event type's time zone. This will ensure that invitees view the scheduling page in the time zone that the event will be taking place.

  1. From your Event Types page, select the event you would like to update.
  2. Expand the When can people book this event? section.
  3. Select Additional rules for your availability.
  4. At Time zone display, choose Lock the timezone.
  5. Select Save & Close.

Read more in this help center article or this community topic written by my peer:


Thanks @KelsiEllie new user here and the more I use Calendly the more limitations I found. Maybe this wasn’t the best option for my needs, thanks a lot for your help. 

@EnriqueBorja I completely empathize. I do hope you are able to find a way to make Calendly work for your use case, but if it doesn’t we understand! That said, let me provide some resources that might benefit you while you get set up and figure things out! 

Since you are new to Calendly, I want to be sure you have all the resources needed to get your account set up successfully. Here is our New User Guide that guide will walk you through:

  1. Setting up your profile from the Account Settings page
  2. Connecting your calendar on the Calendar Connections page
  3. Connecting video-conferencing tools, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Webex, and more
  4. Creating your Availability
    1. Set Hours of Availability
    2. Holidays
  5. Editing event types
  6. Sharing your link

I also suggest checking out these Community articles: 

Likewise, our Help Center is jam packed with helpful articles and tutorials, videos and more. I hope this helps!