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Mark as paid

  • 14 November 2023
  • 1 reply

hello everyone. Is there a way to mark an appointment as paid? i cant integrate paypal because my currency is not available, so i redirect them to my payment page, but how can i know who have paid? in my payment page i ask them to confirm payments via whatsapp, but some of them do and some of them dont confirm.
And also, is there a way to mark appointments as payed for the ones that do confirm?

and last question, is there a way to filter appointments by reservation date, so i can confirm each day the reservations made that day?


thanks and sorry if this is confusing? my primary language is not english.

Hello! Great questions, here!

If you are unable to integrate with Paypal or Stripe, there is no way via Calendly to automate a “mark as paid” notification for yourself. However, within each booking on your “scheduled events” tab > “details” there is a “notes” section visible to you but not your invitees. You could use this section to note that someone has paid or still has an amount due. You should also get some sort of notification (depending on your settings) from each Paypal transaction you receive, and might be able to set up an automation for yourself (via Paypal, not Calendly) where a spreadsheet is created for those paid. You could then compare this list to your bookings in Calendly. It might also be possible to use Zapier within Calendly to create a spreadsheet of all bookings made and combine it with your “paid/unpaid” spreadsheet for comparison. More on our Zapier integration, here

Also - yes! On your “scheduled events” tab you can use filters to sort bookings by date. Read more here