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Mass Event Messaging

  • 21 May 2024
  • 1 reply

Is there or could there be a way to send a mass text message out to people who are signed up for an event. I use calendy to book in person networking events and it would be helpful to be able to go into the app and send a mass message out to people with updates. For example my last event was a hike and I found it would have been really helpful to send out updates about parking and where they can find me and how to identify me at that moment. Would this be a possible feature to create? and have the ability for people to respond, even if there response only goes to email or something?

Hey there @Anastasia73348 - thanks for posting! =) 

There is no way to send out text messages to invitees outside of using Workflows/reminders. These are set up preemptively, meaning you cannot use them for real-time updates. They are intended to be used as reminders (date/time, details) and/or followups, or to provide additional info, thank the invitee for attending and so on. 

I suggest looking into a CRM like Hubspot or similar for this need. There are many tools that you can utilize for communications like this! You can also integrate those with Calendly in many cases so that they are pulling details from your event types etc. 

Look into our integrations here.

Good luck! 
