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Meetings from Latin America in the wrong timezone

  • 29 April 2024
  • 1 reply

For some reason we seem to be getting all meetings from LatAm in the wrong timezone. 

The settings are supposed to jump to the prospects timezone. But when prospects from LatAm book, it is always out of their working hours at 2am or 4am while over here in Europe it sets at a reasonable time. 

This results in 100% no shows, and clients often not rebooking the meeting or rebooking it again at a time where they are not in the office. 

Hey there @Flo21174 - thanks for your post! I'm sorry this is happening.

First and foremost - check out this super awesome and informative timezone troubleshooting guide that my colleague, @jillian, wrote:

If that doesn’t help, come back and let us know!

A few things to keep in mind: 

  • if you have “locked” the timezone, the event will show up in the timezone you set it up in on the live booking page and will not auto-detect the invitee’s timezone - so double check that setting in the event type
  • even if the invitee is booking in their timezone automatically, depending on their own device and calendar settings, it might show up in a different timezone when they are looking at the confirmation/invitee - so tell them this and ask them to double check their own device/calendar/email/browser settings as well
  • if you are simply seeing that the bookings are in the wrong timezone but invitees aren’t telling you this themselves, it might just be that you are noticing Calendly showing you things that are based on your own device/calendar/browser/email settings - so double check that as well

Otherwise - attempt to troubleshoot based on the guide and this Help Center article. If you still can’t figure it out, please come back with some more context, such as:

  • an example of a booking and the timezone it should be in for you and for the invitee + the timezone that it is actually appearing in for you and the invitee
  • screenshot examples that go with the above
  • examples of the timezone settings for your event type and your Calendly account timezone settings, as well as your own calendar/email settings
  • screenshot examples of your timezone settings for the above
  • anything else you think might help me help you resolve this

I hope this helps! I also hope to hear back from you, soon, whether this all helps resolve your timezone issue/s or not - and we’ll dig deeper if needed! 

Have a great day, either way! 🤗


Some more resources that might be helpful are below, as well!

(Note: some of these are user-created topics that had the same/a similar issue to your own that were resolved with troubleshooting - you can look at how those were resolved while working on your own troubleshooting, as well! Notice that for some of these, something as simple as the timezone on the host’s or invitee’s computer being wrong was the issue, and fixing this was the solution - and look into all of that/ask your invitee/s about it as mentioned above!) 


Help Center articles:

Managing additional rules for your availability 

How to customize your event types


Community articles and other user topics: