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Minimum Business Hours

  • 29 February 2024
  • 3 replies

How do you handle weekends in regards to minimum hours notice? 


I schedule interviews with candidates and want to get them on my schedule ASAP!  However, it is tough when someone schedules a Monday morning meeting after hours on Friday or during the weekend. I have adjusted my schedule to block some time which can help, but I want to be available.  I really don’t want to have to put a 2-3 day delay in scheduling interviews as I’ll lose candidates. 

Hi @MeganMegan,

The way you’re approaching it a the moment (blocks or 2-3 day delay) is the best way of approaching it for now. Our Product team is aware of the need to be able to specify ‘days’ versus ‘business days’ though, so hopefully we’ll see a change in functionality soon!


It would be helpful to be able to specific minimum notice in business hours for the same reason. I am OK getting a call schedule on the same day, but may need time to prepare.

Thank you

+1 on requesting this function.
