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I have a lot of people booking appointments via Calendly but have been running into issues with folks not getting the invitations or emails from Calendly and thus missing the appointment. I’ve since setup reminder emails to keep them informed, but also understand there may be some Google related stuff happening that’s causing this. How can I rectify it?

Hey @benry!

Great question and you are totally right that there is some related stuff happening. But fortunately, there’s a fix one of my peers did an awesome job outlining here: 


Let me know if this helps. Happy scheduling!

Hey there! In addition to my response that Jillian linked, above, I wanted to provide some information about the issues with Google that you mentioned!

Google Calendar added a new policy recently for users to help combat spam. This new policy impacts all third party scheduling tools, including Calendly. 

Events set up for calendar invitations will only be added automatically if you have had previous interactions with your invitee. For an invitee’s first time booking, the calendar event will not be automatically added to their Google calendar. Instead, there will be a pop-up above the calendar invitation within the email, allowing the option to click "I know the sender." 

Once your invitees select "I know the sender" and confirm "Yes" the event invitation, any additional event invitations from that email/sender will automatically appear within their Google calendar going forward. 

Google Calendar users can change this setting within their Google account at any time by:

1. Click Settings on the top right hand side of your Google calendar.

2. Under General, select Event Settings.

3. Under Add invitations to my calendar, select From everyone.

To learn more about how to keep your meetings visible to your invitees, you can review our help center article here.

We know this is an inconvenience to you, and our product team is working hard to mitigate any impact to you. Please feel free to reach out to our support team via live chat if you have a paid plan, or to for account specific assistance if you have any additional questions and we will be more than happy to assist further!

