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Isn’t it possible to choose more than one duration of an one on one event?
I want people to choose more than one duration ex a photo shoot that people could have the opportunity to 30 min 60 min or 2 hours 

Not possible?

Hello! This is a great question! While it is not possible to create a single event type with more than one duration to choose from, there is a great solution!

We suggest creating one event type per duration offered. Example: 

  1. 30 minute event
  2. 60 minute event
  3. 90 minute event

If your events are all identical outside of duration, you can “clone” the first event and keep all settings in place outside of updating the duration as needed. Here is a tutorial on how to clone an event type: 

How would that be on front end?

3 different events?

I want ONE single event to have different durations possible with one click


How would that be on front end?

3 different events?

I want ONE single event to have different durations possible with one click



I completely understand what you want, and that’s great feedback that I will certainly make sure we get to the product team. 🙂 For now, it’s not possible - but I totally wish it was!

If you aren’t into the idea of letting people manually choose between three event types, you could use a routing form. This would, on the invitee’s end, result in them seeing one page where they answer a question, like, “how long would yo prefer to meet?” with a dropdown selection where they can choose 30, 60 or 90 minutes. They’d then be auto-routed to the correct event type. So, while you’d still see 3 event types on your end, they’d only see the event they were booking. You can read more about setting up routing forms, here!
You can read more in this article my colleague posted!


OK thanks for the answer. I understand the routing tool better now. I will work on your idea.

OK thanks for the answer. I understand the routing tool better now. I will work on your idea.


Of course - let us know how it goes! We’re here for you! =)