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Hello, I’m currently organizing my Calendly board.

So I have multiple Event Type Groups with different event types in them. Is there a way I can easily move an event type from a group to a different group of event types? (move it from calendly url 1 to calendly url 2)

I don’t know if my terminology here is correct, but what I mean by event type groups are the event types that are in a certain calendly url. 

Hey there @HedwigCalls -- great question!

The short answer is “no.” Calendly event types “live” where they are created.

For example:

  • if you (the owner/admin) of a Calendly organization have created a Group Event Type under your own profile, you will not be able to then move it to a Team Page to allow a team to utilize it
  • likewise, if you have created a Round Robin Event Type on a Team Page, you cannot move it to another Team Page
  • you will need to recreate an ET from scratch for each new “location”, I’m sorry to say!

I do hope this clarification is helpful, though.

Have a great day!

p.s. check out our Company Admin Guide -- it’s super helpful as you learn the ropes! 

Thank you so much Kelsi!  It was really helpful! Thank you! 


Thank you so much Kelsi!  It was really helpful! Thank you! 


Yay! 🤗 So glad to hear. Have a great Monday!