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How do we create multiple zaps in Zapier with multiple events in Calendly? I am only able to retrieve one set of data from one Calendly event in Zapier… What is the work around to make this work?

  • Calendly Event 1 > Zapier Zap 1 > Google Sheet 1
  • Calendly Event 2 > Zapier Zap 2 > Google Sheet 2
  • Calendly Event 3 > Zapier Zap 3 > Google Sheet 3

Hi @GFI28224,

I might need you to elaborate on “retrieve one set of data from one Calendly event in Zapier”, but I suspect you’re talking about running a test. It does usually only pull in one set of sample data, even if you know you have multiple recent events that would have triggered. But rest assured - it will pull in multiple events. The trigger is set to fire on any new event (or cancelled event if you selected that trigger) either within a user account or org account (depends on how you set it up).

As for how to make what you’re describing work, you’d want to look into Zapier filters and paths. Depending on what you’re looking to do, you may even be able to build 1 Zap that covers all 3 actions. Filters is sort of a “If it meets these conditions, proceed” whereas Paths is a “If conditions for A is met, proceed with A. If conditions for B is met, proceed with B.”

With all that being said, what your Zap structure may end up looking like with filters would be more like:

  • New Calendly Event > Path
    • If Calendly Event 1 > Google Sheet 1
    • If Calendly Event 2 > Google Sheet 2
    • If Calendly Event 3 > Google Sheet 3

Hope this helps!