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Multiple Pages One Company One Google Calender with subcalender - how to?

  • 24 July 2024
  • 1 reply


It's about colleagues from department 1 being able to see what appointments have been booked in department 2. And the other way round too. So that a consultant can always switch between the stores. 

The background is that we have two stores in one building. One is a goldsmith's, the other a specialist wedding ring store. It would be very nice for us if we could book appointments on both websites and save them in two different calendars in one Google Calendar account. So that all colleagues can immediately see what has been booked and where.

Is that possible? Without having to start a second account?



Es geht darum das Kollegen aus Abteilung 1 sehen können was in Abteilung 2 an Terminen gebucht wurde. Und das ganze auch anders herum. So das immer ein Fachberater zwischen den Läden wechseln kann. 

Hintergrund ist das wir zwei Ladengeschäfte in einem Gebäude haben. Eines ist eine Goldschmiede, der andere ein Trauringfachgeschäft. Es wäre für uns sehr schön wenn wir Termine auf beiden Webseiten buchen lassen können und diese in zwei verschiedene Kalender in einem Google Kalender Account speichern können. So das alle Kollegen sofort sehen was und wo gebucht wurde.

Geht das? Ohne gleich einen Zweiten Account zu starten?



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Userlevel 6

Hi @Eva82345,

If the goal is to increase calendar visibility between the two stores, I’d recommend setting them up as sub-calendars with the proper level of visibility. For example, here at Calendly I have a few calendars I share with my team so we’re able to see what’s going on and when. As new team members join or we need to collaborate with other teams, we simply share the calendar URL and people are able to add it to their “Other Calendars”. You can learn more about that here:

Hope this helps. If not, let us know and we’ll figure it out with you!