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I haven’t changed any setting on my availability and since December 9th I have not been able to have anyone schedule a time.  It says “no time in December” View next month and every month says this.


I tried creating a calendar using google no to see if it was an issue with calendly and the same thing happened.  Any idea why this would happen?

Hi ​@Nicole16632 - Thanks for reaching out.

In this case, I would start with using our Availability Troubleshooting Tool on your booking page - This will show you any unavailability errors for specific times:

Go ahead and select that button, then one of the dates that should be available. This tool will list the reasons why specific times are not available. Can you check this and let me know what you find? Thanks!

I have the same problem, the Google Agenda is free but the Calendly doesn’t show any slot avaiblable, the troubleshooting  provided that no availability in the Agenda.


How can it be solved? thank you

Hi ​@Le11746 - Could you send over a screenshot of what you’re running into, and the specific error the troubleshooting tool is showing? We can assist further from there.

Looking forward to hearing from you!