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My unavailable hours are not getting blocked out

  • 10 January 2024
  • 5 replies

I’ve gone to Availability and put in my working hours so the people don't schedule over lunch or in the evening. It's set to active on my one event type and it successfully works (if I click on the event, the times people can choose from are within my working hours).


However, it's not reading availability from my Outlook calendar, which I've set via Calendar Sync. On Configuration, that calendar is listed both for "check for conflicts" and "add to calendar”, yet when I click on my event, people can schedule any time within my working hours (which I set above) even if I have a meeting on the Outlook calendar.


What am I missing? What else should I be doing?

Hi @Mike68165,

That's a great question! I agree is sounds like the issue is stemming not from your working hours availability schedule but from your calendar connection. When Calendly isn’t picking up on your booked events, it is likely caused by a missing sub-calendar from your “check for conflicts” calendars, or the events in your connected calendar being set to “free” instead of “busy”. 

For some background, Calendly essentially sits on top of your connected external “check for conflicts” calendar(s). It checks for events marked “Busy” and interprets them as conflicts, preventing invitees from scheduling new events at those times. Events listed as “Free” will not be seen as conflicts, and Calendly will allow meetings to be booked at those times. 


To troubleshoot this, I recommend doing the following:

  1. Visit your Calendar Sync page and click “edit” in the Check for conflicts section under Configuration.
  2. Confirm that the external calendar your events are being added to is selected as a “Check for conflicts” calendar. 
  3. In your external calendar, click into the event details of your calendar event(s) and check to make sure the event(s) are set as “busy” and not “free”.
    1. If the event is set as “free” simply switch it to “busy” and Calendly should then see it as a conflict. 

I hope this helps! If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know!

I've confirmed all of the above – the correct calendar is showing up in Calendar Sync and the checkboxes are all checked, meaning that Calendly is supposed to show me as unavailable when Outlook list me as Busy/OOO/Tentative. I then went to my booking page to test it since I am OOO today, yet Calendly thinks I'm available all day.

What next?

It is this icalendar sync] a feature that works on the free account, or does it require a paid account?

Hi @Mike68165,

Thanks for writing back in! I can confirm that the free plan does support calendar syncing with one connected external calendar. To learn about the features in each plan, feel free to check out our pricing page!


As a next troubleshooting step, I would recommend checking to make sure you are using a calendar event marked as either Tentative, Away/Out of Office, or Working Elsewhere.

If you would like to be seen as unavailable for an entire day, I recommend adding an “all-day” event in your Outlook/Office 365 calendar and setting it with the appropriate availability status. Generally speaking, Calendly will not recognize an overall account availability status, but will read the availability status of your booked calendar events


Additionally, if you’re working on the Outlook desktop app rather than the browser (web-based) Outlook calendar, I would recommend checking to confirm that your Office365 account is actively syncing your calendar data from the desktop app to your web-based calendar. Here’s how you can check this:

  1. Open a private/incognito window in your browser and navigate to
  2. Sign in to your Microsoft account
  3. View your calendar at the date/time in question. If your sync is active, you should see the event with it’s correct availability status in the browser. 

Note: If you cannot sign in or if you sign in and see a blank calendar, then you will want to connect using the Outlook Plug-In instead of the web-based Office 365 connection. If you require the Outlook Plug-In, please reach out to or chat in with our agents so we can provide you with instructions on how to install the Plug-In. 


I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach back out!

1. I set up an all-day event as Busy but Calendly still showed me as free.

2. I am using the Outlook desktop app, so confirmed that it is syncing with the web version. The all-day event successfully shows up on the web, and I was successfully able to sign in.


It also seems like I’m not able to actually install the Outlook integration, I’ve clicked “get it now” several times and yet I can still click the button again.

Hi @Mike68165,

It’s sounding to me like you may need some more personalized support to troubleshoot your calendar connection. On the free plan, you can reach us at


To help speed up the troubleshooting process, please include the following information from your Office 365 calendar in your email.

  • A specific booking page link and a future date and time where this behavior is occurring
  • A screenshot showing that date and time from your Office 365 calendar, as shown at, in Week view with the sidebar (showing which calendars are enabled) visible? For example: 


Our support team will then be able to assist you with your specific troubleshooting needs. Looking forward to getting this sorted for you!