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Hello Everyone,


We are 3 consultants available. One attendee schedules a meeting, and we internally choose who will meet with this one lead, our event type selected is collective.

The problem I have is that if consultant #1 is the zoom host, and even though multiple hosts are selected, when consultant #2 or #3 join without consultant #1, it shows “waiting for host to start the meeting”.



Hi @danb!

This sounds like a might be a question for the brilliant support people over at Zoom as I can only speak intelligently about Calendly specifically. However, we use Zoom here and it sounds to me like your setup of Zoom has the “waiting room” enabled instead of just letting everyone - guests, hosts, etc. - right into the room. I’d go look for that setting and turn it off.

The other thing to look into would be making your other consultants co-hosts of the event so that any of the 3 of you can start the meeting, kickoff recordings, etc.

Hope this helps a bit!

@jillian thank you very much it was in my zoom setting!!