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New event is not saving to my page.

  • 21 December 2023
  • 1 reply

I’ve created a new event type about 5 times now and I can’t get it to save.  I click save after every update when updating the event settings and everything looks good until I go back to my main booking page and that option doesn’t appear at all.  I’m not a fan of this new update.  I’ve been a user for a couple of year and can’t seem to get things to work since the update.

Hi Amy!

The only thing coming to mind right now is that you might be trying to edit a group event and if the group event has gone live and bookings have begun, some group event settings do lock in place. That might not be the situation you’re in, so I’m going to recommend reaching out to Customer Support for some help on this one so they can actually take a look at your account and see what you’re seeing. That’s unfortunately not something we’re able to do here in Community.

Please let us know if we can help in any other way!