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Nothing is working any more...?

  • 19 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Hey there,


I´m hosting a coaching program and for the one-on-one coachings I created with each coach their individual Calendly booking page so that the participants could book their sessions with them. But now there are coming up more and more problems I never experienced with Calendly so I was wondering if anyone have had the same issues lately or knows how to solve them. The main issues we had were:

  • the Calendly site was or is currently offline and just shows “404 page currently not available” even when the coach logs in and tries to refresh the link
  • when booked an appointment the coach received an confirmation mail that someone booked a session with them. The participants who booked the session didn't get any sort of confirmation mail or calendar invite or link for zoom / google meets etc. All they got was the confirmation on the Calendly website after booking.
  • the coaches got a confirmation for a different time slot. e.g. the participant booked an appointment at 10pm and in the confirmation mail the coach received the booking is for 4pm. 

So now the situation is that the participants don't know if the booking was successful because they didn't receive a confirmation nor a link to the meeting plus the coaches are having bookings for completely different time slots than the participants actually booked. I hope anyone knows how to deal with these issues because as I mentioned before we never had problems with Calendly. Any help is appreciated!

1 reply

Userlevel 3

Hi Lena43436!


That sounds so frustrating! I’m sorry everything feels messy and broken. 

  • On your first point about 404’s, I can say that there were a number of internet outages this morning. The 404’s could be related to that. Are you still having that issue?
  • The next two points are indeed very weird behavior for Calendly. I can think of a couple non-technical reasons why an invitee wouldn’t get a confirmation email. 
    • One - they mistyped their email when booking the meeting. This sounds obvious but it is something that happens all the time. 
    • Two - the confirmation email is being filtered. It might be hitting a company firewall or look like spam to their email client. You might ask them to check their spam folder.
    • If you confirm both of those and are still having issues, I would recommend reaching out to support HERE.
    • Also, here is an article all about email notifications - Calendly invitee notifications
  • The timezone confusion also shouldn’t be happening. It is a bit difficult to troubleshoot via thread but one thing to consider is whether either party is using a VPN. If that is the case Calendly will autodetect be auto-detecting the wrong timezone. There are a few other considerations covered in this article - Timezone Troubleshooting Guide

Again, so sorry you are having issues. Please let us know if you are still having problems getting things to work and we will work with you!

