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Notifications Always Come Through in Eastern Time

  • 18 August 2024
  • 1 reply


I am having some trouble with the email notifications for events. Invitees schedule events in their time zone, which is fine, but the notifications always come through to me in Eastern time regardless of the invitee’s time zone (see screenshot 1).

I only have one event type, and the time zone for it appears to be set to Central time (see screenshot 2), so I don’t know why this is happening.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Hi slvrfshston!


Based on what you’ve said it does look like you have your timezone settings set up correctly. Couple things often trip people up with timezones. 

  1. Is your connected calendar set to your desired timezone? If so, Calendly show the timezone of that calendar in it’s notifications.
  2. Is Calendly auto-detecting your timezone while you are using a VPN? If so, Calendly will display whatever timezone the Virtual Private Network says you are in. 

I’m leaving a couple resources on timezones below. Also, a quick note** if you have locked the timezone for your event notifications will also show that timezone for your invitees as well.

 If you are still having issues I would recommend reaching out to support as they can walk you through live on chat and resolve your issue in real time. → Contact Support


Timezone Troubleshooting Guide

Time Zones - Help Center