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When clients consult my agenda on Calendly, i would like them to see only 5 options a day: 9:00, 10:40, 13:00, 14:00, 16:20. 

I’m holding sessions of 1:30. When my calender is free clients book at 10 AM for example and block the morning. 

In advance, thanks for your help en inspiration on how to handle this!

Hi ​@Karine53503 ! Thanks for reaching out - There are two things you can do here to accomplish this!

  1. I would set those times up as individual slots in your availability - So instead of setting it to 9am-5pm for example, each time has their own slot like this:
  2. From there, I would also change the start time increments in your event settings to 90 Minutes, so only those slots will show as available:


You can try something like this to ensure only those times appear - Let me know if you have any questions!

Hi David,

Thank you very much for your quick reply and helping me out. I will try it out and come back if i have questions