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one to group family booking

  • 9 March 2024
  • 7 replies

I have created a one to group event with a maximum number of 3 attendees.


The breakdown of booking could look like:

  • One per person 
  • a couple and a single
  • a family of three.


Three does not appears to be a way for a family to select a number of session they want to book. And based on that decision the price is updated. 

So if you are a couple you could book 2 sessions at the same time and pay the price. Rather than booking one session, then trying to book another session. In that time the session could have been taken by someone else. 

Is there a work around?


I want the ability to have 3 slots that are all at the same time. And have a client pick how many people they want to attend. The price should reflect the number of people attending. 





Hi @James02225!

It sounds like you might want to consider using a routing form with multiple event types to get the desired outcome. The way this would work is an invitee selects who they are and what they’re looking to book on the form and behind the scenes, you use logic to direct them to the perfect event with the relevant pricing. All event types are using the same calendar, so there’s no worries of losing the slot while booking another.

You can learn more about routing here:


I see how that may help,  if a user selects one person take them to form A, if a user selects two people take them to form B. 

I just then think that introduces another problem. 

if I setup a form A, as a one on one. As soon as someone uses that and sign’s up to the time. It will block out the calendar, so no one else can book at the same time. 

If I use a group event for form A. This solves the above problem, but only one person can sign up at a time. So a family would still need to complete the form multiple times. 

Where if there was a qty section you could just adjust that. Think buying a ticket for a concert. You don't book one ticket, then another, then another. You just update the number. 

it would be good if a group event allowed one person to book multiple seats. 

Hi @James02225,

Hmm. Tell me more about the workflow you’re looking to build - specifically the how/why each family member needs to sign up instead of one family member doing it for everyone. I feel like that’s sort of the cornerstone of your scenario and key to finding the right solution.

We’re kind of known for our wild creativity around here, so bring the challenge on. 😎

We offer an event on Thursday night at 7-8pm. This is the only time of the event. 

We can only take in two people in at one time. And when they book we need to take full payment and also get answer to couple questions. As we need this information as we provide kit for them. Shoes size for example. 

We tend to get either a couple book, or we get two individuals. 

So we want a way that a person can go to our site and book themself. Or they can book them and partner. 

if one person books, we still want one session to be remanning. If a couple book we want zero session remaining. 

Thank you for the details. It really helps!

Hmmm…. engage wild brainstorming and creativity. 🤓


So here’s what I’m thinking:


Create 2 events (or more events if needed).

  • group event for individuals with a max capacity of 2 and individual pricing
  • one-on-one event for partners and partner pricing

If the one-on-one event gets booked, that will eliminate the time slot from being available from the group event. And vice versa for the group event. So that eliminates the issue of a partnered invitee potentially losing their spot. You can also consider checking the ‘Allow invitees to add guests’ button to facilitate follow up communication.


Create routing form to direct invitee to the correct form.

This ensures that invitees book the right event and aren’t cluttering up your calendar with the wrong stuff!


Leverage workflows to send out a form with the right questions right after booking.

It would be most ideal if the person registering partners was able to fill everything out but let’s assume they can’t. Leverage a follow up workflow with a form the partners need to complete. Something like Google Form would work perfectly fine I’d think! The lovely part about workflows is that you can have different workflows for different events.



If I make two events.

one to one - this is for single

one to group - this is for couple


I then setup routing with - a simple question, how many people in your party? If one go to one to one event, if two go to one to group event.


what happens if a single person books a session. Then a couple come along and want to book a session. As we can only take 2 people how do we set this limit? 

So we want either 2 x single people or 1 x couple ?

If a couple book then there should be no free slots. If one single books there should be one slot free

Hey there @James02225 - thanks for your followup questions! 

So, to clarify something for you - Calendly will not allow overlapping events to be booked for one host. This means that if your one-on-one event type is booked for Thursday at 7pm, the group event type cannot also be booked at that time and vice versa. 

If you would actually prefer for a free spot to remain after an individual person books, then instead of setting up a one-on-one event and a group event you should set up two group events. The second group event would allow for two single people to book into the same time slot. Then, you’d still be able to use the routing forms to route people directly to the correct group event type (one group event type for couples and one group event type for singles).

I hope this helps!