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Only one active event type in free version of Calendly?

  • 18 March 2024
  • 5 replies

Suddenly my calenders in the free account doesn't work anymore. I found this out after a customer complaint about the error message from calendly.
Now Calendly want me to upgrade, after demaging my activity and my business, without previous warning or information.
There was no information as I implemented your calendars in the free account.
Its no problem that you like to sell me a higher packagge and that I pay something.
Corrupting my acitity to enforce me to upgrade is shoking and a no go for me.
I definitly will share this experience as much as I can and try out other oportunities now.
Would calendly just have informed me sufficient in advance that I need to upgrade, I for shure would have done this.
I'm realy buffled about this business practice I experienced now.

Hey there @Ralf04885 - thanks for your post, and I’m sorry that there seems to have been some confusion which has caused you a less than desirable user experience, here. That is not what we want to see - so let me help!

To clarify, Calendly is a scheduling platform that essentially sits on top of your connected personal calendar. It checks for events marked “Busy” and interprets them as conflicts, preventing invitees from scheduling new events at those times. When an invitee schedules with you, the event is automatically published to your personal calendar and appears on your Calendly Home page under Scheduled Events. Both you and your invitee receive confirmation by email as well, helping to streamline scheduling for appointments, meetings, and more!

When you say “calendars” are you referring to the public booking pages that your invitees (customers) use to book meetings with you via Calendly? If so, we refer to these as “event types” and only one event type is able to be “turned on” with our free plan. This has always been the case. See below for an example of an event type from within a Calendly account as well as the public booking page for that event type: 

These are “event types” - the one to the far left is “turned on” and the two to the right of it are “turned off”
This is the public booking page for the event type that is “turned on” in the previous screen shot - I assume this page is where your invitees saw the error message they saw when attempting to book with you - this likely happened because they attempted to book even types that are “turned off”

When a new user signs up for Calendly they are extended a two week long free trial period on our Teams Plan, which allows that user to try out all of our paid features, to include the ability to have numerous event types (different booking pages) turned on at once. As this two week period nears its end, reminders are sent out to the user via email, and reminders are also popped into the account upon login, informing the user that their trial is ending on “X DATE” and if they do not upgrade they will be defaulted to the free plan. 

If you would like to have more than one event type live at once, or if you would like to connect more than one calendar on your Calendar Connection page at a time, you will need to upgrade to at least our Standard plan. You can read more about our plans, pricing and features on our Pricing Page! Note: an annual subscription will result in a 20% discount for all paid plans!

Our Standard plan is:

  • $10/user/month (billed annually)
  • $12/user/month (billed monthly)

For small teams or individuals with more sophisticated scheduling needs
Standard features include all Free features, plus

  • Group and collective event types
  • Multiple calendars for availability and scheduling
  • Unlimited one-on-one event types
  • Reminders, reconfirmation requests and other workflows
  • Customizable branding and logos on your website
  • Hubspot, Paypal, Stripe, and 100s of integrations
  • Live chat support

I hope this information is helpful! Please let me know if there’s any further confusion or if I am missing the mark here, and I will be happy to further assist! 

Thank you for the fast and detailed answer.

I reffered to event types.

Then for unexplainable reasons I had activated multiple event types for some days in the free version.

Thank you for the fast and detailed answer.

I reffered to event types.

Then for unexplainable reasons I had activated multiple event types for some days in the free version.

You would have absolutely been able to have multiple free event types active while on the free trial - it’s most likely you didn’t notice when the free trial ended and your time on the truly free version of Calendly began - which we’ve definitely seen happen before!

I hope that I was able to clear up the confusion for you and that you can move forward with whatever plan works best for you, now! Let me know if you need any additional help! 

Hello There, 

In the plan description, I saw that in the Free Plan, I can only have 1 one on one meeting? So, if this is the case, how can I fully try the platform.  Also In the standard plan , your pricing website and guide mentioned that there will just be 2 one on one meeting, so why do I need Calendly then? for 2 one on one’s , there is no schedule to manage, I will just create an email message. I need clarification and enlightenment. 


Hi @Ela2015,

Yes, the Free plan only has a single one-on-one meeting event type on at a time. If you’re still within the trial period, now is definitely the time to explore fully but if that time has passed I’d recommend exploring our Help Center and Resource Center which have information on all the features, including videos and tutorials for some. This should definitely help you see if an upgrade to Standard or above makes sense for your scenario.

Also the Standard plan and above give you access to unlimited event types including one-on-one, group, and collective.