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I’ve searched the documentation to find a way to do what seems obvious to me.  What am I missing?

I want to set up meetings with prospects: two of us, one of them (or they share the link) but have the outside pick a time that works for them.


This works great in a one-on-one meeting in Calendly:

  1. I select some possible times that work for me
  2. I send link to outside person
  3. Outside person picks a slot and a meeting is automatically scheduled for the two of us

But I can’t do the same when I want to include someone from my team (like a sales engineer):

What I want Calendly to do but can't figure it out:

  1. I select some possible times that work for me and others on the team because I see availability for other team members as well
  2. I send link to outside person
  3. Outside person picks a slot and a meeting is automatically scheduled for the three of us

I’ve tried the group meeting approach but it doesn’t offer the same interface as one-on-one and looks like it asks all the invitees to vote on a time, which is less crisp and a burden on the outsider customer.


What don’t I understand?



Hey there @DV46846 - great question, and thanks for your topic! Firstly, check out our New User Guide - it’ll def prove helpful as you get used to the platform! You’ll also likely benefit from going over our Company Admin Guide

Now, to the meat and potatoes of what you posted - yes, this can be done! You are looking for our Collective Event Types. This event type allows for you to set up exactly what you want: 

  1. You set up an event type with you and one other (or more) host/s based on availability
  2. You share the link with (an) invitee(s)
  3. The invitee picks a time slot that works for them - and time slots that appear are time slots you and your other host(s) are (all) available as well

Read more in this community topic:

For future reference, Group Event Types are for one host to many invitees. =) 

I hope this helps!