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Hi, how can I override my pre set available hours when occasionally booking in a client outside of my hours?   For example i’ve pre set my available hours as 7am -5pm but I want to schedule a client in a 6pm as a one off but cannot see how to override my pre-sets.

Hi @Naomie,

Great question. The easiest way to do this would be to add a manual date override on your scheduled availability and then book the event. Just keep in mind that if you have multiple schedule, you need to add the override to the schedule that correlates with that event. For example, I have a very locked down availability schedule for networking that’s only open Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10-12. If I wanted to schedule someone for 1pm on Thursday February 15th, I could go to my scheduled availability, pick the networking schedule, add a block of time from 1-2pm on just that day.

Hope that helps!