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Overlapping Events/Availability Issues

  • 17 November 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello calendly,

i am using calendly atm for making apointmens for ppl to pick up there new phones.
i have made  event where ppl have planned there moment. 

now i want to make a new event for other group of ppl on the same days and time slots but calendly doesnt allow that.
everytime i get the message “this time slot overlaps with a scheduled calendly event”

i have switched connected calenders and delete the one calender i used to make the first event.

with in options/availability i have switched of “check for conflicts”and i have selected the other calender.


i realy hope you can help me out because i dont know what i do wrong here…


greets gemeente,

Hey there @Gemeente63137 - thanks for reaching out and posting this! 

This is expected behavior. Because Calendly sees each account as an individual user, it will not allow overlapping Calendly events in an effort to prevent double bookings. However, we do have a Group event type that will allow multiple invitees to book the same time slot on one event type.

You can also set up a team page that includes multiple users that are actually your alternative email addresses. Then, create a round robin event type between your accounts so invitees can continue scheduling for the same time slot as long as one account has availability. Keep in mind, you will have to pay for each additional user.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you need any further info or assistance. =)