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  • 6 December 2023
  • 1 reply

Do you know if there is the function within Calendy to OVERRIDE a rescheduled appointment


(ie) say I need to move a booking at 2pm on Monday 18th to 10am same day, but it wont let me reschedule the time as the time is not coming up as available to be rescheduled? 

Acuity let me simply enter teh time that I wanted / override it and book / reschedule

Hi @Gillian81680,

Calendly really tries to make sure you never end up double booked, so if that time is unavailable there’s a reason for it based on your calendar, availability, date/time overrides, etc. If this time should be available, give the Troubleshooting Tool a quick try to get it sorted out and then you’ll be able to move the event. More info on the Troubleshooting Tool here: 

Hope this helps!