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Pass event details to custom confimration page

  • 14 June 2024
  • 1 reply



I want to have a custom confirmation page on my website so that I can track meetings booked. I have set up the page on my website and have ticked the “pass event details to your redirected page” box.

But I don’t know how to get these event details to pass through to the page. What information/code do I need to put on the website to show things like email/time of event etc


For reference I am using wordress. I can’t find any information showing how to get the event details to show on the custom page.

Hey there @Leah71587 -- great question! The details are added to the URL automatically when you select the “Pass event details...” box for your redirect. You can see these details by booking a test event for yourself, then viewing the full URL that you are redirected to! That said, I am going to go over a bunch of technical information for you. If you have the help of a developer, you can do more with all of this on your own website and so on. I hope this helps! 

You can use the variables from the URL redirect to display the event data on a custom confirmation page. Please know that you will need the help of a web developer, because this is a technical process and it is unique depending on your website.

With the help of a web developer, you can use this information to build custom thank you pages or track site usage and conversions.

The details specific to the event that is booked get sent attached to the URL on the redirect page. For instance, if the invitee's name was "Jimmy", your redirect URL will now say:




Inside the code for your web page, you can then use the variable invitee_full_name to represent the name of your invitee. Here is a full list of the information in the redirect URL that can be used. Again, how you code your website to get the data from your URL and then add it to the display of your web page will be up to your developer.

To help you further, you can check out this article on how to get parameters from a URL using Wordpress (one of the most popular website builders). I've also found this article on how to use the variables in the PHP portion of your code to display on your page. Finally, I've found this plug-in that you may be able to use to get and display the URL data.


By selecting the "Pass event details..." then booking a test event, you will be able to see that event details will be added within the URL automatically on your redirected page. We still recommend the assistance of a web developer to build custom thank you pages and to track with coding.

I know this is a lot to take in -- please do use a web developer if you decide to go deeper on this journey! 

Let me know if you have any questions, and have a great weekend!