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Payment collection: selective bookings within a single event type?

  • 11 July 2024
  • 1 reply

We have a vaccine clinic for our cat/kitten foster families every 3 weeks. It’s a free service for foster parents. But kittens need a series of vaccines, so we’ve been offering it to adopters now as well. But we’d like adopters to pay like they would if they went to the vet. Is there a way we can charge some people but not others? 

I know the work around is to clone and route, but that’s essentially creating two separate calendars for appts. So if we have a clinic from 10-12, we’d potentially have people double-booking for a time. Which wouldn’t be the end of the world, but wondering if there’s a different way?

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Userlevel 7

Hey there @Kitty68404 -- thanks for your post, and welcome to community!

You are right on the money with the workaround for this goal. There is not another way, right now, to do what you are asking with Calendly. I’m sorry!

An event type can be set up to collect payments via Stripe or Paypal, and that will apply to all future bookings on that event type. So, the only workaround here is going to be creating two separate event types, one that collects payments and one that does not.

You can then use Calendly Routing Forms to auto-direct invitees to the appropriate event type, to streamline things, just like you mentioned.

I hope this is helpful clarification, even if not what you wanted to hear! Let us know if you have any further questions and we’ll be happy to answer them. 

p.s. I wanted to say how awesome it is that you are doing the work that you do for those kitties! I have several rescues, myself, and have fostered litters on and off for years. Thank you for what you do for them!