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Please create a recurring meeting

  • 28 January 2024
  • 49 replies

If there was ONE thing I’d love is a recurring calendly meeting so I can do it one and done. 

When You have clients that have regular meetings at the same time it’s so long to set up say 6 months of meetings! 

49 replies

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option. 

Please create a recurring meeting option. 

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option. 

Please create a recurring meeting option.

I think you get the point.  It really seems like a huuuuuge hole in this service.  I can do this on Google Cal for free, but I can’t do it here for a service I am paying for.  Strange and frustrating.  In fact, this is most common kind of meeting I need to schedule.  I am a voice teacher and my students (tend to) have the same lesson time each week.  I have so many students that I can not keep track of all the moving parts anymore and I need an automated service like yours to help me maintain my calendar. 

Imagine this:  18 students of various ages, (11-75), with various schedules.  Some sign up for the whole year and have a regular schedule.  Some sign up for a package of 8 lessons (like a punch card) at multiple and various start dates through out the year.  There are multiple cancellations throughout the week and a constant need for rescheduling.  

The most helpful tool I could have in my business at this point is a Calendar that allows me to input 8 lessons (or more!) for a recurring time.  EVEN BETTER, the capability to not necessarily input these 8 (or more) lessons in at a recurring time, but the ability to input them even at varying times, dates and days, all at once, and then have the reminders sent to both myself and clients stem out from this input. 

It seems to me the best option would be to have the ability to click on a contact and schedule all you need for that one contact in one fell swoop. 

I have read your work-around ideas.  None of them work for me.  Please, Calendly, stop ignoring this major oversight and offer us a way to schedule recurring meetings - and even better, have a way to schedule a contact for multiple meetings at various times all at once.

And please hurry.  The time for me to renew my membership is approaching.  Thank you kindly. 

Userlevel 7

@SpiffyAlibaba thank you, genuinely, for your thorough use case description and for adding your +1 to this feature request. I promise that we here in community are pushing this feedback to the product team. I wish I could tell you that this is a feature that will be available before your Calendly renewal date - but I can’t, and I hate that! You can track our product updates here. I understand your frustration and the frustrations of everyone that has commented in this thread - it’s valid! I hope that you have a good day. I will update if and when we have an update! 

The option for recurring meetings → it’s a mandatory requirement for me. It’s available as a feature in Acuity, why not Calendly? 

Userlevel 7

The option for recurring meetings → it’s a mandatory requirement for me. It’s available as a feature in Acuity, why not Calendly? 

We totally appreciate that you and everyone else here has a real need for this feature. While I cannot comment on why it’s available with other products and not Calendly at this time, I can say that all of this feedback is being constantly funneled to our product team - and they are looking into it! Whenever we have an update on our end (community) you can be sure that we will be running right back to all of you to let you know, first! I hope you have a good day. 

Another request for this feature!

Kelsi you can save the gpt response. I get it, our feedbacks are being constantly funneled ;)

Userlevel 7

Another request for this feature!

Kelsi you can save the gpt response. I get it, our feedbacks are being constantly funneled ;)

LOL! I can PROMISE you I do not use GPT for work - but I can also totally understand how my repetitive responses here might start to seem that way. I just like letting people know every now and then that we are still definitely here and listening, is all! 

I have been scheduling clients in my iCal for years. I signed on with Calendly for the automatic confirmation feature. It never even crossed my mind that you wouldn’t have a repeat appointment functionality. That’s how old school it is. Now that I’m fully set up and integrated, I’m deeply disappointed that I am paying for something that actually creates more work for me.

Having had the experience of launching new platforms, I can grant a bit of grace for the position you are all in and I understand why you cannot give a launch date. BUT PLEASE...JUST TELL ME SOMEONE IS WORKING IN IT. PLEASE, OH PLEASE.

+1 on all of this.  Scheduling recurring appointments is a feature that is incredibly basic to any calendaring system whether it’s free t through google calendar or enterprise like outlook/exchange.  it also seems that you are scaling the platform for teams when most of us started using calendly as a small practice/client based solutions.  The inability to resend an event invitation (the only option is to “reschedule” to the same time” is also very broken.  I have spent almost an hour looking for a well designed workaround and haven't found one yet.

The option for recurring meetings → it’s a mandatory requirement for me. It’s available as a feature in Acuity, why not Calendly? 

I love calendly for its simplicity and how quickly I can set up appointment types.  the fact that it is a POC founded company is a huge bonus and why I give extra grace.  but as a square space user, it is very hard for me not to look at acuity.  

If there was ONE thing I’d love is a recurring calendly meeting so I can do it one and done. 

When You have clients that have regular meetings at the same time it’s so long to set up say 6 months of meetings! 

This is a long overdue feature. I should be able to schedule a client for the same day/time every week or two weeks, or month. 

Another feature that’s long overdue is a manual override to schedule ANY event no matter what the event settings are. If we’re the primary admin, this should be a simple override. 

Adding in but ANOTHER voice into this discussion. This should be a one of the Dev teams top priorities in the next weeks to come. There are other platforms offering this and it only makes sense that Calendly have this integrated feature for our clients and customers. 


I upgraded to a paid account recently but this is the second time I run into a case where I need a recurring meeting and cannot set it up.  I will be re-evaluating providers when my annual plan comes up; I had previously used Honeybook before switching this year to Calendly.

My use cases:

  • Setting up a regular check-in with a client during our partnership
  • Enabling individuals to signup for a group activity (fixed date-time) as I’m hosting a weekly lunch and learn networking group with peers.

Hello, we are Ava and a Calendly customer since 2018

Our deaf and hard-of-hearing customers use it to book their human captioner or interpreter.

75% of our Users are students and rely on Ava to succeed in their study. So we have to manage a ton of recurring meetings, to the point of considering another solution or creating our own booking system. But also we love Calendly and this highly anticipated feature would keep us as a growing client for more years. We’re very interesting to know the actual state of this feature, as it’s affecting our own roadmap. 

I am available for any discussion on this subject, Best regards,

Julien from Ava

Userlevel 4

Is this not done yet? Im considering moving away from calendly just because of this and Im sure it’s jus a line of code! 

Upvote for recurring meetings.
As a customer success manager, I meet with active customers on a cadence of their choice- every 14 days or every 21 days for example. Having them book once and have a series of meetings added to their calendar would greatly increase the likelihood of their continued participation. Without that, it’s too easy for them to just stop scheduling their check in meetings, even with reminders from me. I’ve even had my customers ask me why Calendly doesn’t support this.

This is going on for months is really stupid dont have this option? There is other schedulers online, why Calendly is not investing on make the costumers happy and make the platform better? How difficult is make this? You guys are a leader in your sector and dont make this change yet? Is absurd! When is this coming up? Tdycal do that and more for $29 lifetime price. So what are you waiting? 

I’m having to move to software which allows recurring appointments because it’s become too work intensive having to manually schedule single appointments all the time, Bit sad, because I otherwise love Calendly. 

How much feedback/ how many people do you need to actually implement this? This topic has been brought up well before this thread and the same copy/paste answers are given about suggesting clients book in the next meeting, it ludacris. 

It’s clearly one of the biggest drawbacks and isn’t that difficult to roll out.

When people have been asking consistently and no changes are made, it makes customers feel unheard. As it stands, calendly is only good for once off meetings, many services businesses don’t work this way. Booking 6 months of weekly meetings will take ages and also create over 24 emails.

I have to manually do this in my Exchange/G-suite but I’m actively looking elsewhere.

Ditto!  Need recurring for classes I teach regularly at a set time.  Folks can sign up for the whole series or drop into individual classes.  I want them to get the reminders, but not to get the info for signing up to all 10 classes in the series.  And I don’t want them--or me--to have to sign everyone up individually for each class.  Does anyone else on this thread know what scheduling app I can use that will do this?

Here’s my hot take about recurring meetings for your pile…

Many more users would benefit from repeating meetings that even they even realize. Also, only those committed to Calendly take the time to a) come to this Community page and b) post here hoping something may change. 

That said, I believe the ROI would be a big + for Calendly once the feature of recurring meetings rolls out. Please bump it to the top of your “Features to Roll Out” priority list.

[I kindly ask you, Calendy, to not reply with sympathy or “understanding” or detailed work-around “solutions” about scheduling a series. None are adequate for our needs or our clients’ which is why each of us has found our way here to comment.]

So many people in the same boat as me!

I have actually just emailed all of my therapy clients to say that I’ll be migrating their appointments to Calendly. I then had to follow up to ask them to ignore what I said, as I overlooked that Calendly lacks a recurring meeting function. 


Like somebody else said, it hadn’t even crossed my mind that this feature could be lacking. that is a real shame. At the moment, some people book in adhoc through Calendly and everybody else is on a recurring ‘set and forget’ basis through Google Calendar. This should be a basic function!

Hi Calendly, It’s official, I’m looking for other software since I can’t do the recurring meeting. USERS - what platforms have you found in this price range for scheduling recurring meetings? I teach music lessons. Thanks!

Im a new user. I ended up in this threat because Im looking for a way to set up a reoccurring meeting using Calendly. Its discouraging to see that such an established tool such as Calendly does not have this ability, especially since reoccurring meetings are such a common and necessary thing for businesses. It’s also discouraging that this thread alone is over 7mos old and Calendly has chosen to neglect what is such a glaring need. 

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option. 

Please create a recurring meeting option. 

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option.

Please create a recurring meeting option. 

Please create a recurring meeting option.

I think you get the point.  It really seems like a huuuuuge hole in this service.  I can do this on Google Cal for free, but I can’t do it here for a service I am paying for.  Strange and frustrating.  In fact, this is most common kind of meeting I need to schedule.  I am a voice teacher and my students (tend to) have the same lesson time each week.  I have so many students that I can not keep track of all the moving parts anymore and I need an automated service like yours to help me maintain my calendar. 

Imagine this:  18 students of various ages, (11-75), with various schedules.  Some sign up for the whole year and have a regular schedule.  Some sign up for a package of 8 lessons (like a punch card) at multiple and various start dates through out the year.  There are multiple cancellations throughout the week and a constant need for rescheduling.  

The most helpful tool I could have in my business at this point is a Calendar that allows me to input 8 lessons (or more!) for a recurring time.  EVEN BETTER, the capability to not necessarily input these 8 (or more) lessons in at a recurring time, but the ability to input them even at varying times, dates and days, all at once, and then have the reminders sent to both myself and clients stem out from this input. 

It seems to me the best option would be to have the ability to click on a contact and schedule all you need for that one contact in one fell swoop. 

I have read your work-around ideas.  None of them work for me.  Please, Calendly, stop ignoring this major oversight and offer us a way to schedule recurring meetings - and even better, have a way to schedule a contact for multiple meetings at various times all at once.

And please hurry.  The time for me to renew my membership is approaching.  Thank you kindly. 

Right!! But it’s cool though, they “empathize” with our frustration. 🙄
