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Print Scheduled Events

  • 13 June 2024
  • 1 reply

How can I print scheduled events?


I have asked previously and been shut down with the response that this is not a Calendly question, that it depends on device, printer settings, whatever.  Again, I ask, how can I print Calendly Scheduled Events? Please try it and tell me ANY device, browser, printer settings that will work. I have not been successful with anything.

Google how to make a webpage printer-friendly.

Hello again @GateCityBikeCoop! I am terribly sorry that you felt shut down, the last time you asked this (and I answered you)! 

It’s true that this is not a Calendly feature or issue. Figuratively speaking, you should be able to simply choose to print the page you want to print and then, printing magic should come next!

If that is not happening for you, I am truly sorry to say there’s not much I or we in community can assist with. 

Printing webpages can be tricky, for sure. I might suggest the following to see if it helps: 

  • rather than printing the webpage
    • screenshot the event that you want to print from the live booking page (cropping it down to the actual square it fits into)
    • paste your screenshot into a word document of your choice (Google Docs or Microsoft Word, for example)
    • print that document rather than the original webpage
  • alternatively, rather than printing the webpage
    • screenshot the event that you want to print from the live booking page (cropping it down to the actual square it fits into)
    • save the screenshot as a photo or send it to yourself via SMS or email as a photo
    • if you have “remote print” on your phone, send that photo to your printer to print, rather than the actual webpage
  • one more alternative, rather than printing the webpage
    • follow the screenshot steps above, but do this from your mobile device
    • directly print (the screenshot should auto-save as a photo on your phone) the photo from your phone to your printer

If you can give me the details of the device you are attempting to print from + your printer, I can try to give a bit more in the likes of resources (such as how to screenshot, how to print, settings and so on). You can also reach out to the communities and/or support teams for these devices!

I hope this helps!