Hi I am still not able to propose times from mobile. Am I missing something? I appreciate the move to sampling of available times when on desktop but I still can't answer the question "when are you available" from my phone. I can only share a link from my phone. Is there a work-around?
I'd still ideally have the blocks of time provided, similar to how a human would e.g. Tuesday 1-5 pm, rather than a sample, for the record.
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Hi @Anna88064!
Could you tell me more about the feature you’re looking for? Are you looking to be able to copy available times from Calendly and add them to an email like this?
Any more information you can tell me on this will help me dig into this further!
Hi, yes, I would like to be able to do what you just did from my phone. I always have to switch to desktop to answer emails with a request for my availability. The screenshot you provided is from a desktop. On a mobile device, I can only share a link, not actual availability. That’s question 1 -- how to provide availability when writing from my phone.
Question 2 (or more of a request) -- wish that I was able to share blocks of available time rather than a sample. For instance, I want to be able to say I am available Tuesday 1-5 pm rather than say available times are Tuesday 1 pm 2 pm 3 pm etc.
Understood, thanks for confirming @Anna88064!
At this time there is not a way to share specific times through the mobile app, this is limited to using Links or by booking through the Contacts Page. I’ll get your feedback sent over to our product team regarding this and the ability to share blocks of available time!