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I am a partner of an advisory firm and would like to provide my assistant access. Is there a way to do this without providing them my UN/PW? I don’t mind paying for a seat. 

If not, can I remove the SSO option? I don’t mind providing UN/PW access to Calendly, but I cannot, due to compliance reasons, provide the UN/PW to my Microsoft account. 



Hey there Russel!

Great questions, here. This all depends on exactly what you mean by “giving access to” your assistant, so I’ll dig in and you can go from there! 🙂


Let’s start with some questions and general info

  • Do you need your assistant to be able to “run” your entire Calendly account for you/as though they were you?  
    • i.e. does your assistant need to be able to manage your personal event types that have already been created under your own account, make changes to your Availability Schedules, manage your Calendar Sync page, make updates to your account settings (avatar, username, link, billing page, time zone) and so on?
    • if the answer to the above is “yes” 
      • you will have to share your login credentials (email/password) with your assistant so that they can act as you within your account
      • you can do this by removing your SSO login method -- read more on how to change your login method from SSO to email/password here, read more about managing your account settings here, and -- if interested -- read more about setting up 2FA for email/password users here
    • if the answer to the above is “no” 
      • you might be able to get away with adding your assistant as a “user” within your Calendly organization instead of sharing your login credentials
      • this would benefit you if
        • you need your assistant to be able to manage event types BUT you are okay with those event types being created/recreated as team event types and/or Admin Managed Events -- both of which your assistant would be able to add you as a host to and manage for you
        • you need your assistant to be able to book on your behalf (using event types described above) but do not need them to be able to
          • manage your calendar connections
          • manage your personal event types already created under your account
          • manage your account settings (avatar, username, link, billing page, time zone etc.) 



  • if your assistant needs to “be you” then you’ll have to remove your SSO login method > switch to email/password login method > share those credentials with them
  • if your assistant simply needs to be able to book on your behalf and does not need higher-level access, you can add them as a new user to your organization > make them an admin > they’ll be able to set up a Team Page and team event types and/or Admin Managed Events for you and manage your bookings/availability that way


Teams Plan Information

We have plenty of resources for you to learn about creating a team and setting up team events! The first step is adding your desired team members to your account from your Admin Management page. Then, you can set up a team page. Your team page will have all of your events specific to that team: round robin or collective.

Round Robin events will allow your invitees to book an appointment at any time at least one assigned team member is available. Collective  events allow invitees to book an appointment when all assigned team members are available. You can also take advantage of Admin Managed Events and Shared Event Types! Click all of the hyperlinks to learn more about each of these features. Keep in mind: you cannot create a true one-on-one ET on a team page, but you can use a Round Robin or Collective event as a one-on-one. Read more here

If you'd like a more thorough breakdown of the team features, check out this recording that walks through the basics of using Calendly with your team.


Additional Resources


I hope this helps!  Please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have any questions about what I’ve shared here -- I know it’s content heavy and a lot to read + take in! 

P.s. check out our Company Admin Guide and share it with your assistant, whether you add them as a user > make them an admin or share your own login credentials with them so that they can login and act as you within your account. While you’re at it, take a second to glance at our New User Guide, too! Good luck, and welcome!