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Remaining Availability for an Event

  • 6 December 2023
  • 8 replies


Is there a quick way in Calendly to view the remaining availability for an open event?

I know this can be done manually via the scheduled events tab, but looking for an easier overview of what slots are left.



Hi Shaun! By “open event,” do you mean an event type? If so, what kind--is this for a group event type where you want to see how many slots are left at a particular day/time (like, slots in a class/webinar), or something else?

Hi Danielle,

Thanks for the reply and apologies for not being very clear.

So I have a Managed Event setup and currently enabled.  There are 3 hosts assigned to the event.

A member of the team who is overseeing this event has asked me if there is a quick and easy way to see at this point what slots each host still has available, within the constraints of the event’s custom schedule?

The Scheduled Events tab obviously gives me details on the slots that have been booked, but I can’t find anything that gives an “at a glance” view of what’s still available.


No apologies needed! Got it. So, if you clicked on each of the 3 host’s booking pages, that would show you each of their respective availability for that managed event type. Sounds like in an ideal world, you’d want to see some “super view” of that booking page that had all 3 host’s availabilities represented… is that accurate? (Not something we have but an interesting thought so want to make sure I capture it correctly!)

Thanks Danielle. 

Of course! The actual booking page. For some reason I hadn’t even thought of that. 

You are correct however. A super-view of remaining availability across the entire event would be perfect and what I was looking for. 

I can work with the booking pages for now, but an event-wide view would be a great feature. 

Thanks for your help. 


Hey @Shaun31832!

Just wanted to let you know I’ve added this on to the Product feedback list I put together every month and discuss with our Product team. No promises, but we do get asked for something like this quite a bit and I’ll continue to advocate for it!

@Shaun31832 , would you be open to using our APIs to accomplish this by any chance? We have couple of Public APIs that you can use to get availability slots of a given event type as well as availability/busy times of a specific user. 

Hi Niraj,

Thanks for getting back to me.

Yes, using an API for this task is definitely something of interest.

If you could drop me a link to the API and any guidance that may help, that would be great.



@Shaun31832 great! here are couple of APIs that you could use -

Event Type Availability : This will give you available time for  given API. Think of our booking page or if you use our ‘add times to email’ feature. Essentially, will give you all the available times.


Users Busy Times: This will give you individual users ‘busy’ times. This will give you both Calendly meetings and external meetings so you tell who are booked at a given time.


If you want to add boundaries to busy times, we have user’s schedule API as well. 


Here is a documentation on how to use these APIs.


And our developers portal.


Hope this helps. We also have dedicated developer support you can reach out directly if you have any questions on these APIs.


