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Reminder email to meeting recipient in wrong timezone, how to fix ?

  • 12 December 2023
  • 5 replies

Reminder email sends my timezone to meeting recipient instead of their timezone & confuses them. Help ?

For example I am based in Bali, most clients in US they get reminder email saying look forward to out meeting at 9pm Bali time. How do I sort this out ?

Hey Rebecca! Great question! Firstly, check out our New User Guide - it’ll def prove helpful as you get used to the platform!

Timezones can be tricky, but what is likely the issue here is that you have accidentally locked your timezone. This will result in your own timezone settings being pushed onto any event an invitee books, rather than their own.

Calendly intelligently detects the time zone of your invitees based on their device settings. When they visit your scheduling page, your availability will be displayed in their time zone. If it is your goal to only have in-person meetings, then you will want to lock the way time zones appear to your invitees. You can learn more about Calendly's time zone settings here. This intuitive setting can be rendered a little useless when you lock your timezone, though. So let’s go over that!

Locking an event type to a specific time zone

If you’re holding in-person meetings, you may want to lock an event type's time zone. This will ensure that invitees view the scheduling page in the time zone that the event will be taking place.

  1. From your Event Types page, select the event you would like to update.
  2. Expand the Scheduling settings section.
  3. From Additional options, select Time zone display
  4. Choose Lock the timezone.
  5. Select Save & Close.


You will want to double check and unlock your timezone if it is locked. If it’s not, let us know and we can dig further! 

I have the same problem with my clients, and I do not have the “lock the timezone” enabled for the event my clients receive their reminders. I am based off the East coast, and have clients on the West coast.


Is this a reported issue on Calendly or is it new?

Hi @Jessica75782!

It’s not a reported issue in a bug type of way, but it’s certainly something we get questions about quite a bit. With all the various email/calendar providers out there, VPN, and whole other range of settings - it’s a lot of moving pieces and potential headaches.

The time zone lock is one reason we see causing time zone confusion, but there’s a few other causes you can read about here: 

Hopefully one of these does the trick, but if not please let us know and we’ll gladly help figure it out.

I am also having the same issue with time zones. Please let us know how to resolve. 

Hi @Rishi34066,

For help troubleshooting with time zones, please take a look at this great Time Zone Troubleshooting Guide

Hopefully that helps you to resolve the issue, but if not please let us know more specifically what is happening and we would be happy to help figure it out.