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Remove Booking Page Checkbox: "I'd like to subscribe to future emails"

  • 16 November 2023
  • 12 replies

Hi, can anyone tell me how to get rid of this checkbox? I can’t find it anywhere on the form settings. It’s only recently appeared after dashboard UI was updated.




Hey @Alex13536!

That looks like the checkbox that shows up if you’re using the Mailchimp integration and the invitee is in a GDPR country. Any chance both of those are true for your use case? You can learn more about the checkbox here.

Let us know!


Hi @jillian - thanks for responding. There is no Mailchimp (or any other) integration active on the account. Though, it is true that the invitee is in a GDPR country. 


Same here. An unfortunate surprise to discover that (potential) clients are getting this. 

No mailchimp, but this tekst “I'd like to subscribe to future emails.” on my own English account and for a client account I’ve the Dutch version “Ik wil in de toekomst graag e-mails ontvangen.” 

It may raise the feeling to (potential) clients that they will be subscribed to a kind of newsletter / mailinglist. Which is completely not the case …. and I’m using Calendly exactly for a no-nonsense approach….   


In addition, I’ve all “E-mail reminders”, “Text reminders” and “E-mail follow-up” switched off. So only the calendar invitation itself is send. 


Anyone who can help to get this checkbox and text removed again? 

Hi @Alex13536 and @Co55082,

Thank you both for confirming you’re not using the Mailchimp integration. That’s really helpful to know.

I’m checking with our engineering team to see what’s going on (especially given the ‘sudden’ nature of it appearing), so I’ll get back to you as soon as I have helpful information.

I have this problem too. Not giving any option to remove this. And no integration with Mailchimp. Only FB pixel integration. How can it be removed? @jillian 

It’s been sudden for me too. Suddenly only a few days ago.

Hi all. Our engineering team has identified this as unexpected and unintentional behavior and is currently investigating why it’s appearing. We’ll keep you all up to date as we have more information.

In the meantime, a few things to know:

  • It is not related to the Mailchimp integration, as initially suspected. It’s the exact same verbiage as the Mailchimp integration which is asking users for consent to be added to your mailing list.
  • The checkbox is only showing for users in GDPR countries. If you are seeing it outside of a GDPR country and are not using Mailchimp, please let us know!
  • This checkbox has no effect on reminder or workflow emails you have set up.

Bear with us for a bit longer as our engineers figure this out. Thank you!

Yeah been noticing this for a few days, really surprised it hasn’t been fixed yet!! 


Any updates from the team would be greatly appreciated. 

Yeah been noticing this for a few days, really surprised it hasn’t been fixed yet!! 


Any updates from the team would be greatly appreciated. 

We understand this is frustrating! Please refer to the latest update from my peer: 

Hi all. Our engineering team has identified this as unexpected and unintentional behavior and is currently investigating why it’s appearing. We’ll keep you all up to date as we have more information.

In the meantime, a few things to know:

  • It is not related to the Mailchimp integration, as initially suspected. It’s the exact same verbiage as the Mailchimp integration which is asking users for consent to be added to your mailing list.
  • The checkbox is only showing for users in GDPR countries. If you are seeing it outside of a GDPR country and are not using Mailchimp, please let us know!
  • This checkbox has no effect on reminder or workflow emails you have set up.

Bear with us for a bit longer as our engineers figure this out. Thank you!

We will be in touch with updates via this post as soon as we have them. In the meantime, we really appreciate your patience! =) 


In my case the invitees are in a GDPR country but I do not use the mailchimp integration and it is not even activated on any event.

I’m in a GDPR country, so the checkbox with “I'd like to subscribe to future emails” shows up for me. Since most people making appointments with me are in the United States, does that mean they don’t see this checkbox?


I’d appreciate it if we could have the option of removing it even though the person is in a GDPR country. I already included a similar box to ask if people want to sign up for my newsletter. If the checkbox needs to stay, it’d be great if we could edit the text, at the very least. Thanks!

Hi all!

Just a quick update that this issue was resolved a few days ago. The box has been hidden for now. We may investigate adding a checkbox back in at a later point for GDPR purposes, but will make sure the intention is clear to both hosts and invitees if that happens and will investigate what changes can be made.