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Request for Google My Business Integration in Your Calendar Product

  • 26 January 2024
  • 2 replies

I’m very interested in your product because it offers unique features and has a clean, sleek design. However, I'm currently considering other calendar invitation options, like Trafft and Setmore, due to their integration with Google My Business (GMB). This integration is crucial because the booking tab appears directly under the Google options, leveraging Google's status as the world's leading search engine. It's also essential to ensure consistency between GMB and WordPress. I've noted your previous suggestions about using Zapier and Make, but these solutions don't provide the GMB booking button, which is a key feature for me and many other users. We really hope you can incorporate this feature to prevent us from looking at alternative providers.

2 replies

Userlevel 7

Hey there @PatrickL - thanks so much for your post and description of your use case/feature request!

We love hearing exactly why a new feature would benefit our users. We will make sure this request is included in our January wrap-up that we send to the product team. I cannot make any promises regarding implementation, but they will absolutely have it put on their radar for future updates! Have a great weekend!

Thanks again for posting. =) 

Second, please make google my business integrations along with instagram!
