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My wishlist for 2024: Maximum number of meetings for the week

I would LOVE to have the ability to do the following:

  • Maximum number of meetings in a week for a certain event type
  • Maximum number of total meetings for the week

Without this, I can’t send a scheduling link to multiple clients all at once. I can send a link to one client, but need to wait til they schedule to send out a link to another client.

Does anyone have a workaround?


Thank you!

Hi @Holly75866!

That’s on my 2024 wishlist too and our Product team absolutely knows it. I’ll make sure your post is part of the December round up I send on to them!

As for workarounds, the best I can suggest is to lean into the “max events per day” setting to limit getting overbooked as much as possible. It’s not great and I know. 😩

@jillian Thanks for passing the word on!! I really don’t want to switch to a different provider, but I know others who already are evaluating other options because of this. It would be nice to have a target date in mind for when this will be implemented. Thanks again!

YES! YES! - I have about 7 different meeting types - all are necessary. I’d like to limit the number of events ACROSS several meeting types in a week. Is there a way to do this?  It would be SUPER helpful!


Thanks. :)

Oh @Ray52130! I love that idea too. I am definitely one of those people who sort of has a max meetings allowed due to brain capacity/emotional stamina, so being able to do a pretty blanket “max meetings across all of these events” would be wild! I’ll add this one to the feedback list too.

@jillian  - I’m a counselor with about 7 different appointment types.  I’d love to be able to create an “appointment type” group with a weekly max appointments.  This feature would allow me time to be able to do. Clinical notes and research without worrying about over scheduling  


thank you for looking into this

@jillian - I would love to limit the number of events per day and per week.  I’d also like to be able to group 4 event types together and say no more than 2 of these per day.  I’m a financial adviser and, like Ray above, I have a number of different client meeting types but I also need to allocate time to notes/follow up/etc.   

Thank you for adding and clarifying!  I hope to see these features soon!

I agree with this. I know Acuity already offers this so I feel like I’m forced to switch over unless this is implemented. I prefer Calendly all around but it seems really behind on the times to not have this feature in 2024...