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Require a reason for rescheduled or cancelled event

  • 13 March 2024
  • 1 reply

How do I require a reason in the space for “Reason for Rescheduling”...or for Cancellation?


I’ve received multiple reschedules from someone, and they continue to leave the reason blank. I’d like to make it required so that they at least provide the courtesy of an explanation.

Hey there @Marcelle24503 - great question! This sounds so frustrating. You’d think that it would be common decency to provide a reason - ugh! 

To start off - check out our New User Guide if you haven’t already. It’s a super helpful resource! 

At this time there is no way to mandate the field that allows for invitees to provide a reason. I wish there was! I will make sure to include this feedback in our monthly roundup for our product team to consider for future updates! =) 

I hope this helps!