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Restricted booking times

  • 12 August 2024
  • 2 replies

Hi all, 

I am on the free Calendly, but the only time slots go from 9am to 4pm … I have looked all through the settings but can’t see where to change these?


Hi Alex1965! These hours are initially determined by the user (you) when you are first setting up your account. You should have seen a series of steps on the right of your homepage. One of those steps is setting up your hours. Once, you’ve completed this you can always change them for each event type you set up. Just click on the event type where it will take you to a calendar and your settings will appear on the left. One of those settings is your availability. You can always update your hours there. Hope this helps!

Sean, thanks! That is in retrospect now obvious 🤭 but I didn’t see it at all. Very appreciative of your time. Cheers, Alex