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I own a company and have a situation like this:

  • We have one account and a dozen Calendly calendars
  • The calendly calendars all obey what my Google calendar says

I hired a salesperson. I want his situation to be like this:

  • He has his own google calendar
  • His account is also linked to the same dozen Calendly calendars that mine is
  • If I am busy at a certain time, it shows him as being available
  • It doesn’t show him as being available if I am free at a certain time

Is it possible? What do I need to do?

Hi ​@NTWeddingDJs - Thanks for reaching out!

After thinking this over - the main issue we’ll need to solve is allowing Calendly to see the salesperson as an alternate host. For this, you’ll want to invite this user to your account and use the Round Robin event type. Round Robin events allow you to setup a rotating pool of hosts that Calendly can choose based on priority, or equal distribution. You can read more on how distribution works for this event type here: Round robin distribution overview.

For starters, you’ll want to create a Round Robin event with the distribution method being Maximize Availability, and you would set your priority to be the highest, and the Salesperson set to the lowest priority. This way, Calendly will always attempt to assign the events to you if able. Otherwise, the events would be hosted by the salesperson on times where you are busy. This would be the best way to setup events to work in the way that you described.

A couple things you’ll run into here that I want to make mention of:

  • To use the Round Robin event, you will need to be on the Teams Plan
  • If these events are setup as one-on-one events, they would need to be recreated as Round Robin events - In this case, I would recommend creating one to start, and see if it works for your case.

Its a little in depth for sure, so let me know if you have any questions on this!