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Schedule meetings that are between 2 days

  • 16 May 2024
  • 4 replies

I want to be able to schedule 4-hour meetings, but it won't let me schedule if they exceed 11:59 p.m. on the current day.

Example: I cannot schedule a meeting from 11:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m.

How can I do that?



Same problem here, im organizing events and could be great to solve this”

Hey there @Santiago88136 (and @Anden2284040) - great question!

At this time, Calendly is not able to accommodate meetings that span the “midnight hour” (meaning, as you have seen, a single booking cannot go past midnight into the “next day”). I know it’s inconvenient and I’m sorry to have to report this to you! 

I will definitely make sure to record this as feedback for our product team to consider.

Let me know if you have any other questions! 

Santiago yo estoy haciendo eventos de 4hs también y lo que encontré es hacer solo eventos de media hora y ponerle 3hs antes y 3hs dsps de buffer ... además agregue una regla de que se puedan hacer solo 2 eventos por día..  con eso funciono bien.. claro que lo más tarde que oueden poner es 23:30 el inicio.. y bueno la duración la aclaro en el nombre y listo... 

Espero te sirva.



@Santiago88136 translating the response from @Anden2284040 just in case it does help you! 

Santiago, I am doing 4-hour events too and what I found is to only do half-hour events and put 3 hours before and 3 hours of buffer time... I also added a rule that only 2 events can be done per day... that works with that well... of course the latest they can put is 11:30 p.m. the start... and well, I'll clarify the duration in the name and that's it... I hope it helps you. @anden.22 Abzo!


There you go! =)