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My available hours are 7 PM to 11 PM. I only allow one meeting per week and require at least two days' notice for scheduling appointments. These rules are perfect and work exactly as I want—for the most part.

The issue? I can’t manually override my own rules or make exceptions when needed.

For example, I wanted to reschedule an appointment to 5 PM, but to accomplish this, I had to:

  1. Change my available hours for the event.
  2. Adjust my general schedule availability.
  3. Temporarily allow more than one meeting per week (because the system incorrectly flagged me as booked).

Once I rescheduled the appointment, I then had to reverse all those changes to restore my original settings:

  1. Reset my available hours for the event.
  2. Adjust my schedule back to 7 PM - 11 PM.
  3. Re-enable the one-meeting-per-week rule.

This is frustrating for two reasons:

  1. Tedious and time-consuming: It requires multiple steps and excessive clicks.
  2. Risk of interference: During this process, someone with my scheduling link could book the very time slot I’m trying to reschedule to.

The solution is clear:
The rules I set for my events and schedule should not apply to me. It would be much simpler and more user-friendly to just click “Reschedule for 5 PM” without jumping through these hoops.

Hi ​@KyserClark - Thanks for reaching out on this.

You brought up a lot of valuable points here, I’ll be sure to pass all of this on to our product team to review.

At this time outside of using the one-off event feature, the way you’re doing this now is the best way to go about this, but I understand how this adjustment would make the rescheduling process much more simple. I appreciate all of the feedback.

If you have any other feedback or ideas, I’d love to hear them!

Hey ​@KyserClark - Just wanted to drop in and give you a much better way to workaround this using our Contacts Page!


With the Contacts page, you can select any previous invitee, or add a new contact to book with. From there, you can select Book Meeting on their contact and select an event.

Here, you’ll be able to override available times and rules, and select a timeslot you’d like to meet:


Let me know if something like this works for you! It should make this process a little easier on you.



We created two events to deal with this. One event is a “client scheduled meeting” and adheres to a set of permissions/rules as you mentioned above. We then created an “advisor scheduled meeting”. It is basically the same thing, but has absolutely no restrictions. We only share the first event type with our clients. The latter is purely to be used internally to circumvent our own rules.