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see all my availability for all event types?

  • 17 July 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi - 

I have 4-8+ event types that are used the most; almost all of them have custom hours. What I’ve found is that since my availability tends to be all over the map in calendly, I’d like to streamline when I’m available for calls, and do an audit on when I have the most calls, most productive calls, etc. 


So. I’d like to see all of my availability in a spreadsheet without having to open each event, copy-paste info, then repeat, etc. I want to compare all availability to then streamline it.


Any suggestions of how I can do this easily? 


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1 reply

Userlevel 7

Hey there @Marianna34083 -- thanks for your post!

At this time there is no way to view all of your availability at-a-glance in Calendly. I’m sorry!

You can, however, utilize your connected calendar to at minimum view all of your booked time at once. Your add-to calendar should show all of your bookings from Calendly + all of the bookings you add to it yourself outside of Calendly. I am not sure if this helps at all, but did want to mention it.

Likewise, you can head to your “scheduled events” tab > click “export” on the top/right in order to export a file with all of your upcoming bookings and their details if you’d like to then input those into a spreadsheet.

As far as all of the hours that you have marked yourself “available” in Calendly go, that cannot all be viewed in one place, right now. However, your feedback is valuable and it would be awesome to be able to do this -- so I will make sure to include it in our monthly report!

I hope this helps!