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Send a document to a customer upon booking?

  • 17 April 2024
  • 1 reply

I do yard and garden consultations. After booking, I send my clients a Word document questionnaire to prepare for their visit.


Option 1 - Is there a way to create this questionnaire in Calendy and have it sent automatically. If so could they also add attachments (diagram of their yard, pics, etc.)? This would save me a ton of time. 

Option 2 - could a Word doc (the questionnaire) be automatically sent to them with their scheduled appointment confirmation? The customer would then complete it email it back to me as they do today. It would take out the manual process of me emailing the doc to them. 



Hi @Midwestgardengal!

That’s a great approach and yes, we can help you with that.

While Calendly itself can’t create forms, we’ve had a lot of customers have great success with using a Google Form (just checked - definitely can upload files), Typeform, or really any sort of online form combined with our built in workflows. In short, a customer of yours would book their visit and you’d be able to setup a series of emails, reminders, etc. Chances are you’d want to setup one of the first emails to include a link to the form and perhaps send out another shortly before the visit reminding them to secure pets, make sure the yard is accessible, etc.

You can learn more about workflows here:

And I’ve really got to find someone out my way to help with my yard. Absolute chaos. The former owner had quite the garden planted, but when she moved she took as many of the plants with her as possible so it’s been true chaos every since. So much potential and this community girl has absolutely no green thumb. 😭