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Hello! My company is launching a new partnership and we want to create a co-branded Calendly link for prospect to book meetings, however I can’t figure out how to create a calendar with separate branding than I have in my admin settings, which is only for my company. Is it possible to have multiple branding settings in Calendly?

Hey there, @John68114 - thanks for your post! Firstly, check out our New User Guide - it’ll def prove helpful as you get used to the platform! You’ll also likely benefit from our Company Admin Guide, especially for things like this! 

To your question - check out this article in community: 

This should be a great jumping off point! To give you the rundown, you will need to be on a paid plan, adding multiple users, setting up at least one 

Team Page and then setting up branding separately for that team page (as well as for your own account and any additional accounts + individual event types under those accounts, which will have their own branding). The article goes into great detail!

I hope this helps!