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I am the administrator at a firm and need to create meetings on behalf of my boss.  In Outlook I have a shared calendar with my boss - how do I link this shared calendar so I can organise these meetings through Calendly with her clients?


Are you hoping to integrate your boss’ calendar into your own Calendly account so that you can both book meetings for them and for yourself onto your respective calendars? 

If so, at this time, Calendly can only publish events to one calendar per account, so there is not a way for Calendly to connect different time slots or event types to different calendars. However, there are a couple workarounds that might interest you.

1. You can set up a team page that includes multiple users (each user is one of your email addresses). You can then create different team event types and associate each of them with your different accounts (each of which are connected to one of your different calendars). Keep in mind, you will need to pay for each account in order to use Calendly's team features

2. You could also set up a forwarding filter in your inbox to automatically forward all emails received from You can even forward notifications for specific event types by filtering for subject titles that include the event type name. This will allow them to be notified when an invitee schedules with you. 

The second option is generally more helpful when someone is hoping to add another host to their own bookings, however. Essentially, you will need two paid seats (two accounts) with their own add-to calendars to make this happen. If you simply wish to integrate with your boss’ shared calendar so that you can have your own account check it for conflicts, then you just need the login credentials to connect it the same way you have your own calendars. That said, you will not be able to book for your boss onto that calendar from within your own Calendly account. 

I hope this helps!