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Hi! I’m a behavioral designer helping a partner pilot a “pre-scheduling” intervention that leverages defaults to increase student attendance a advising meetings.

I’ve been working with student advisors that have a:

  1. A caseload spread out across several different schools,
  2. 4 “engagement periods” where they go to visit different schools for the meetings with different dates for each school within each period.

We first wanted to simply tell students to book all their meetings in one go at the start of the semester. I looked at every possible way to do this on Calendly with no luck.

  • Routing forms could send them to different booking pages, and confirmation pages could chain-link them to the next booking page. 
  • But in order to show students only their specific school’s dates within each specific engagement period the advisors would have to create 4 different event types per school.
    • With 6-7 schools per advisor, that became unwieldy. 

We are now trying a “pre-scheduling light” version of booking the next meeting during the current one, like a doctor’s office.

  • If we book ahead of time for the student, that evades the hurdle of needing to route them, and we can use the same event type for all schools and just override our schedules every time we book them manually.
  • But re-scheduling is likely when you book an appointment months in advance. When trying to re-schedule, students need to be sent somewhere - while we can control their initial booking, we have the exact same question of where to route them if they need to rebook. 

All that goes to say: you need an easy and simple way to have one event type allow for multiple versions of availability depending on some category or condition

This would be such a useful and flexible feature it would probably play a similar role to the routing form, except you wouldn’t need to set up a thousand different event types to achieve this simple scheduling ask. I got to the point of even considering asking all advisors for their API keys and generating custom redirect links for students based on their answers in a routing form - it wasn’t a very popular idea with the partner (you can see why). 

If you know of a way to do this, please let me know! 

Another piece of feedback is:

  1. You should allow admins to create template workflows without needing to associate them to an event type, so basically literal workflow drafts that can be applied anywhere and
  2. The word “workflow” is a bit misleading if you think that best practice dictates the need for several types of outreach for appointments. I would much rather have one customizable chunk where I can specify chains of triggered outreach (that’s a workflow) than having to create each unit separately and combine them with one event. 

Anyway, I thought I’d drop the feedback since I spent so much time looking into your features for this. Appreciate how user friendly the platform is, and you do a great job with design!

Hi ​@Nikolassilva!

Thank you so much for taking the time to get all of this information together, I love how well thought out this is.

Just so I’m understanding, could you tell me more about the “Categories” users would be filtered through to show specific availability?

For example, if I’m wanting to meeting with Advisor A, at School A, I could select those categories from the booking page, then only see the times and dates that advisor would be at that school? Is that correct? If so, I can dig a bit deeper on my end to see what I can find on this! Otherwise, let me know what I might be missing. 😊

Thanks for the feedback on the Workflows as well. We do have a Workflows page where you can build these out for specific users OR team pages. If you have all these users under one team page, you can create a repository of different notifications that can be added to each event under that specific page. You can learn more about team pages here:

I think what you’re trying to accomplish is very cool, I’d love to keep digging on this to see what we can make work. Let me know if you have any questions!

Hi David - thank you for the reply!

Yes you got that first bit correct, it would be like some group that you can use to filter for different collections of dates/availabilities to display for the same event type.

I was originally thinking that the host would be able to generate different links for each “view” so you can send students directly to their specific advisor + school combination (small hassles like one extra click can derail busy and stressed students!). I guess allowing the attendee to self-filter would also be a useful tool! I can imagine this being useful in any office that has more than one person too (e.g., dentist), or any profession where one person handles multiple groups of people with distinct calendars (e.g., consultants with different partners).

For the workflows - thank you for the suggestion! I tried setting one up in a team page, and it’s a decent work-around, but it looks like the users can’t edit the workflow itself, just apply it to an event is that correct? For this project, some advisors want to change the workflows themselves as opposed to the binary apply/don’t apply and each advisor’s schedule is so different that they all use personal event types. A template-style workflow that can basically be “cloned” and customized and then added to any event type is more what I was thinking! 


Hi ​@Nikolassilva - Thanks for raising all of this feedback, its super appreciated.

I’ll be doing some more digging on this today to see what kind of workarounds we can use here. I’ll reach back out once I have some more information!

Hi ​Niko!

After some research, I think what you have already is the best we can make it, especially with the workarounds you’ve already tried. I think right now Routing Forms is the closest we can get, but I understand your perspective on the difficulty with creating multiple event types.

One thing I’ve seen other users do is removing the ability for invitees to Cancel/Reschedule and having them contact the hosts directly for any changes that are needed, but this does put some more manual work on the hosts. This can be done under the notification settings of the event:

Hopefully we can see some changes on this in the future - Please keep us posted on how the ‘pre-scheduling’ workflow goes for your team. 

Let me know if you have any questions!

I considered that for a moment but figured the small hassle of needing to have a back-and-forth to re-schedule may lead to drop-off on students’ side!

In case you’re curious, what I ended up doing was to:

  • Set up 7 duplicated templates of a Managed Event Type for each school in advisors’ caseload (Advising School 1, Advising School 2, etc.).
    • All they need to do is edit the name, and instead of using their general availability, set each event to the specific dates they’ll visit each school.
    • The Managed Event Type also allowed me to include pre-scheduling-specific Managed Workflows that complement but don’t replace any personal outreach advisors may want to send.

To get around the engagement period issue:

  •   I set a shorter limit for how early students can book in advance that avoids capturing two engagement periods.
  • During their meeting, advisors will schedule the student’s next meeting by overriding the Event Type’s availability in the booking page or using the “customize once and send” feature. 

📌  Rescheduling Risk:

  • Assumes that by the time students try to reschedule, they’ll be near enough to the next engagement period, but too early from the one after it. It also assumes they won’t try to reschedule immediately/within the current period. 
  • It isn’t ideal but that’s why we’re piloting it! I’m curious to see how it logistically plays out, I could just be overthinking like I do with everything in life. 


Thanks for following up ​@Nikolassilva! Sounds like you found a great place to start.

You bring up a great point on using Managed Events, I’ll need to keep that workaround in mind for the future. 

Let me know if theres anything else you find OR need help with!