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Showing availability without allowing bookings

  • 19 March 2024
  • 7 replies

I want to make an event that shows my availability, but doesn't allow bookings. I've been looking, but there doesn't seem to be a function like that.

If there's not, I'd also appreciate an alternative on this problem.

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7 replies

Userlevel 7

Hey there @Dana - thanks for your post! 

At this time, you’re correct, there is no way to set up a Calendly booking page that displays your availability but does not allow bookings.

In order to potentially get creative and provide a workaround (no promises, but I want to try!) - do you mind giving me a bit more about your use case and what the goal here is? 

Looking forward to hearing back from you! 

Hey there @Dana - thanks for your post! 

At this time, you’re correct, there is no way to set up a Calendly booking page that displays your availability but does not allow bookings.

In order to potentially get creative and provide a workaround (no promises, but I want to try!) - do you mind giving me a bit more about your use case and what the goal here is? 

Looking forward to hearing back from you! 


Hi, Kelsi! Thanks a lot for your response.


I want to have a link or embedding to show my available times so that potential clients can get an updated view of my calendar before deciding to hire my services. This is mainly so that I can give an updated view of my Calendly availability without violating UpWork's Terms of Service.


Hope you consider adding this function!

Userlevel 7

Hey there @Dana - totally understand. Thanks for the explanation, here! I appreciate your feedback and will make sure to mark it so that it’s part of our monthly report for the product team. If you run into any other issues or need assistance with your Calendly account please let us know! =) Have a great day. 


I would love this feature too! I’m a wedding and event florist and it’d be great if clients could see whether or not I’m available on their wedding date before submitting an inquiry.

I came here looking for the same thing. I’m a coach, and I’m opening 3 time slots on my calendar. I want to let people coming to the sales page see the time slots that are left before they decide whether to book. But I’m handling the sales process through another app, so once they purchase and arrive at the welcome page, then I want to give them the availability to actually book one of the slots.

Userlevel 7

Thank you so much @Eva31252 and @jesslmwes for adding your use cases and feedback, here! We appreciate it genuinely. We’ll make sure it’s seen by the right people! =) 

I would love to have this feature as well.