I’m European, based in the UK. Our weeks start on a Monday.
I understand that the frontend booking calendars switch to local specifics and that works fine. But we need the same for the user account environment. It’s confusing an nonsensical that my backend availability settings and everything else to do with Calendly is stuck on a US format.
Please advise on how to switch this.
Hey there, @john35568 - thanks for your question! At this time there is no way to reconfigure the day of the week backend calendars start with. I am so sorry that I do not have better news. That said, I’m looping this feedback around to our product team for consideration as we are always making improvements based on user feedback. I hope this helps!
Thanks. That would be great. Not quite sure why this should be such a tricky feature.
Never a good look when US standards are supposed to be accepted by the rest of the world.
Thanks. That would be great. Not quite sure why this should be such a tricky feature.
Never a good look when US standards are supposed to be accepted by the rest of the world.
I appreciate this feedback, genuinely. I will make sure it’s seen by the right eyes!
I would also like to join in this feature request. It can be quite confusing since our eyes (the eyes of those who start the week with a Monday) kind of automatically interprets the first column to correspond to Monday.
Joining in this feature request as well. I can imagine that for the US it seems like a silly little detail, but it’s an absolute pain in the ass for us who start their week on Monday. Would love this small change added asap. I actually Googled this. Maybe this could add some weight to the urgency of this request
To add, Acuity Scheduling f.e. does allow weeks to start on Monday. Thanks for the effort!
“Whether the Gregorian calendar shows Sunday or Monday as the first day of the week depends on where you live. Most countries start the week on Monday, but most people start on Sunday:
- 67 countries and over 4 billion people start the week on Sunday
- 160 countries and roughly 3.3 billion people start on Monday
- In terms of population, it is almost 50/50: Half the world’s population begins on Sunday
Almost all countries in North and South America start their week on Sunday, while countries in Europe and Oceania overwhelmingly start on Monday. The world’s most populated continents are split: roughly half the countries in Africa and Asia are on team Sunday, the other on team Monday.”
@Michelle Thys thanks so much for your thorough explanation on this feature request! I assure you we have submitted it to our product team and we are always doing our best to advocate for the needs brought up here in community! I hope you have a great weekend. =)