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Still is not reading busy events even after followed article's instructions

  • 31 May 2024
  • 2 replies

Calendly is not reading busy events on my Outlook and Google calendars.

  • I have followed the instructions in the article, “What to do when you're available but should be busy.”
  • Thus, I have confirmed that my calendars are within my Calendar Sync page.
  • I also have confirmed that the events in my calendars are assigned with a busy status.
  • But, Calendly still is not reading the busy events in my calendars.
  • I clicked on the link to “reach out to our support team”, but that page does not allow me to enter any information.
  • What can be done to fix this problem?
  • Thanking you in advance for helping me resolve my problem of Calendly not reading busy events on my calendars.

Hi @Kevin-AW!

You definitely hit the checklist I would have sent you down. I suspect that whatever is preventing your busy events from showing as busy is something quite hidden or complex, and my support peers have said to send you on over so they can dig into your account in a way we can’t do over here on Community.

But I see you mentioned the support page not letting you enter any information which makes me think you’re on of the unlucky few. We’re having issues with some customers not being able to see the chat due to some part of their browser preventing it from showing (maybe an extension? maybe anti-virus? embedded widget settings?). What does seem to be working for most is:

If it doesn’t, please do let us know. We’re trying to figure out why most customers can see it and a smattering cannot!

Thank you, Jillian! Very much appreciate your help!